We are a team of four members are involving with this ‘Video assisted ward communication system to minimize exposure of doctors to COVID – 19 positive patients’. Dr. Sarasi Kaviratne, Medical officer at National Hospital for Respiratory Diseases, Welisara, Shashika Samarasinghe, Electronic Engineer at Mobitel, Anuruddha Tennakoon, (Electronic Engineer) Founder- A&T Labs and Hirantha Subasinghe,Software Engineer at Huubap PTE are sharing hands to make this project a success.
Our invention is to reduce the exposure of doctors to Covid-19 with proper distanced video assisted communication system. Here we have two ways of communication; Doctor to Patient and Patient to Doctor. Simple architecture of the solution is as below.
For doctor-To observe, prioritize and communicate with the patient
One camera for two patients when the beds are within 1m distance and One camera for one patient when beds are more than 1m apart are installed.
Control panel at the doctors’ station will get the continuous video feed of the patient.
Camera has two-way audio where the doctor can initiate the communication through a control panel (monitor).
At any time, doctor can observe and prioritize the patientswho need attention without going physically inside the ward, or without sending a high cost robot in a single click and even he can ask for complaints from patient after initiating a call which is autoanswered at the patient’s end.
For patient- To communicate with the doctor
One ‘panic button’ for each patient will be provided.
When the patient pushes the panic button, the control panel will get a notification and the doctor can initiate communication with the patient. Then, the patients make complaints and communicate with the doctor without waiting for thedoctor’s physical visit with a single click.
Benefits of this invention are low cost in development, single click operation, Easy set-up, non-requirement of high tech training for users and lesser time for development.
With the proposal, our team contacted SLIC and they assisted us by giving advices and financial support for the development of this project dedicating their valuable time.
Thank you very much SLIC team for your assistance and guidance.