National Inventions and Innovations Competition

Selected through Provincial Invention Evaluations

Sahasak Nimavum” National Invention and Innovation Competition is an annual event organized by the Sri Lanka Inventors Commission (SLIC) to encourage the making or creation of inventions in Sri Lankan citizens. From the year 2012, an international inventor/innovator pavilion is set up for exhibiting their inventions and innovations and share knowledge and build collaboration between Sri Lankan inventors and international inventors.

“Sahasak Nimavum 2024” is opened for both international and local Inventors as two separate events. We have decided to continue our competition as an online competition.

Local inventors can register under five main categories

  1. School
  2. University & Tertiary Educational Institute
  3. Open
  4. Institutional
  5. Commercialized

Inventors can compete under fourteen technical fields as follows

F 01 – Public Safety, Welfare and National Defense F 08 – Applied Sciences and Technology
 F 02 – PhysicsF 09 – Energy
F 03 – Medicine and PharmacyF 10 – Environmental Conservation
F 04 – Traditional MedicineF 11 – Engineering
 F 05 – AgricultureF 12 – Information and Communication Technology
F 06 – Food Technology F 13 – Transportation
F 07 – ChemistryF 14 – Public Works and Infrastructure Engineering

“Dasis” Award

dasis award
  • The best invention of School Category
  • The best invention of University & Tertiary Educational Institute Category
  • The best invention of Open Category
  • The best invention of Institutional Category
  • The best invention of Commercialized Category

“Dasis” is a name given to King “Ravana”, who probably is one of the greatest inventors of our history. The most popular invention of him is the “Dandu Monara”, the wooden plane. As a nation, we have so much to get inspired from our rich heritage. Hence, we gave the name “Dasis” for the award. It defines the ten heads of king “Ravana” to symbolize the observational capability of inventors and the knowledge that is all-pervasive. These ten heads are depicted graphically at the center of the trophy. The two wings on either side represent the imagination of inventors and the wheels show how they give wings to ideas through technology.

Evaluation Criteria (click to download)