We are an engineering team and involving with this open Source ventilator project based on the need of health sector during this hard COVID-19 period. Our team members are Sahan C. Ranasinghe / Kosala Jayasundara / Salinda Tennakoon / Anuruddha Tennakoon / Chathura Yapa Bandara / Thusitha Samarasekara and Buddhika Marasinghe. With the initial prototype, our team contacted SLIC and they assisted us by giving financial support for the development of this Open Source Ventilator and for manufacturing process within one week.
Our invention is to develop a low cost, easy to operate and reliable ventilator based on an open source project. This Open Lung Low Resource Ventilator is a quick-deployment ventilator that utilizes a bag valve mask (BVM), also known as an Ambu-bag, as a core component. Ambu-bags are mass-produced, certified, small, mechanically simple, and adaptable to both invasive tubing and masks. The OPEN LUNG ventilator will use micro-electronics to sense and control air pressure and flow, with the goal to enable semi-autonomous operation.
Benefits of this inventions are low cost in development, mass production due to less complexity, touchpoints use certified components, small and simple mechanical requirements, previous research and testing in this area, adaptable to both invasive tubing and masks and medical practitioners are familiar with the device.
Main features of this inventions are user-specified (breath/min, insp./exp ratio and tidal volume), assist control, positive end-expiratory pressure (peep), maximum pressure limiting, humidity exchange (built into the mask), infection control (by way of covering the unit in an easily cleaned enclosure) and limited dead-space.
Thank you very much SLIC team for your assistance and guidance.