KIYO 4i(Korea International Youth Olympiad)

The program of “Korea International Youth Olympiad 4I” 2020 consists of contests, lectures, and various events. In regard to contests, there are two sections for students to participate: ‘The Best of Best Invention’ and ‘Team Competition’.  World Women Inventors & Entrepreneurs Association (WWIEA) invites the prize awardees of invention contests for ‘The Best of Best Invention’ contest.  WWIEA   also invites teams of four creative students to the ‘Team Competition’ to gather their ideas to work on assignments.

-Event name: The 5th KIYO 4i(Korea International Youth Olympiad)
-Registration deadline: 20th September 2020
-Online Evaluation: 5th to 10th October
-Announcement of Winners: 12th October 2020
-Venue: in Seoul, Korea, Online Competition
Registration deadline: 20th September 2020
Announcement of Winners: 12th October 2020

Due to COVID-19 Virus, Korea International Youth Olympiad (KIYO 4i 2020) is going to be held online by World Women Inventors & Entrepreneurs Association (WWIEA) under IFIA’s sponsorship.

An Organic Essence Extraction Methodology & Apparatus to Extract Essences from Organic Material

An Organic Essence Extraction Methodology & Apparatus to Extract Essences from Organic Material

I am Sanjaya Gunasiri, my invention is a liquid atomizer machine that is researched and developed before the COVID 19 pandemic which however this pandemic gave us the idea to use the same machine as a Sanitizer machine that uses lot less liquid than conventional methodologies. Having developed this as a multipurpose machine with the added advantage of using this as a Sanitizer machine this has evolved in to a truly multipurpose machine.

I like to extend my gratitude to the SLIC team for their assistance (sponsorship) in obtaining a benchmark report from ITI that has given me the opportunity broaden the market for this product.

Sri Lanka Inventors Commission has scheduled to conduct inventors meeting for Western province inventor identity card holders at 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm on 14th August and 18th August 2020 at the Auditorium of the Commission. A valuable motivational program for capacity build-up is also included in the session. Relevant inventors are requested to confirm participation on preferred date on or before 12th August 2020 to the Projects Division of the Commission via 0112676650 or email ‘’.

ICT Special Award – BCSSL & SLIC Collaboration

WIN AWARDS for your Most innovative ICT based product developed for targeting national disasters.
BCS the Charted Institute for IT Sri Lanka Section (BCSSL) in association with the Sri Lanka Inventors Commission (SLIC) has introduced a new award for your most innovative ICT based product developed for targeting national disasters for the second time.
The online application calling was launched and please apply and refer extract more information via the website on or before 17th of July 2021


(A Computer vision-based  System to Perform Differential Count of White Blood Cells)

We are a group of inventors working towards developing a computer vision based system that can be used to replace the expensive hematology analyzers and the inefficient manual counting method to produce WBC differential count reports. Team members are Dr. Nuwan Dayananda, Senior Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Prof. Indira Silva, Senior Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of Peradeniya, Iyani N. Kalupahana, Biomedical Engineer, University of Moratuwa, Lokesha R. De Seram, Biomedical Engineer, University of Moratuwa, Dilshan N. Wickramarachchi, Biomedical Engineer, University of Moratuwa and Chinthalanka B. Wijesinghe, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineer, University of Moratuwa.

There are 5 main types of White Blood Cells (WBC) present in the blood and they are Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, and Basophils. The measure of WBC in the blood is an important indicator of pathological conditions. By determining the differential counts of these WBC, diseases such as microbial infections (virus, bacteria, etc.), leukemia, and other blood related diseases can be diagnosed. In hematology laboratories, manual counting methods and automated analyzer method are used for the differential counting of WBC. The manual counting method is monotonous, laborious and time consuming. Apart from that, static sampling errors and subjective judgment errors also affect the classification accuracy of the manual counting. In automated analyzer methods, the presence of components like nucleated RBC, parasites and platelets lead to misclassifications and affect the WBC count. Furthermore, these devices are expensive and have a higher maintenance cost. Therefore, the CELLBOTIC system is developed to automate the WBC differential count process. CELLBOTIC is a computer vision-based system that can produce WBC differential count reports similar to an expert hematologist. The system consists of a hardware platform that navigates the microscope stage to acquire microscopic images from a blood smear and an algorithm implementation to generate the WBC differential count reports.

We wish to thank the Sri Lanka Inventors Commission (SLIC) for their financial support towards further development of the prototype and guidance in the patent application process. Furthermore, we highly appreciate SLIC’s role in fighting against the COVID-19 virus by supporting technological developments.   

Thank you for inviting us to the program, “Eka Mage Rata” – Inventor-Investor Meetup and giving us the opportunity to discuss about the future potentials and improvements required to develop in the invention. We received valuable feedback from the investors about our invention, “CELLBOTIC – A computer Vision Based System to Perform the Differential Count of White Blood Cells (WBC)”. Investors showed us a big picture of the potential market of our invention and they extended their hands to further develop our invention into a prototype in agricultural side as well. Moreover, they explained us, how we can help patients from this invention during COVID-19 pandemic. We could not have done it without the expert service from Sri Lanka Inventors Commission (SLIC). Your help has been invaluable, and we cannot imagine how we would have managed it without your help and support. Again, thank you so much for the great support and guidance.

We, as a team, would appreciate your continuous assistance, and looking forward to continuing the work together with SLIC.

UV Robot

We at SRQ robotics is a startup initiated at University of Moratuwa. Our team consists of 5 professional engineers and 2 undergraduates. In order to help the government to control the prevailing Covid 19 situation we have implemented a Robot to disinfect public places utilizing Ultraviolet rays. The current method used in SL (Disinfectant Liquids) consumes a considerable time for the process. This time can be reduced by 60% with our robot at a 85% cost reduction in a 100 day run. 

With the equipped ultraviolet light tower, the robot can disinfect and kill diseases, viruses, bacteria, and other types of harmful organic microorganisms in the environment by breaking down their DNA-structure. We have conducted laboratory testings and proved a 99.997% disinfection rate. The invention

increases the safety of both staff, patients and their relatives by reducing the risk of contact with bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms. This can effectively prevent and reduce the spread of infectious diseases, viruses and bacteria. The system pays special attention to “infection hotspots”, such as washbasin, patient bed, handles etc.

Self-Quarantine People Monitoring System. HelMo Watch (Health Monitoring Watch)

ස්වයං නිරෝධනකරුවන්ට හා ඔවුන්ගේ නිරීක්ෂණ නිලධාරීන්ට අවශ්‍ය වන පළදින රැහැන් රහිත ද්විත්වමාර්ග සන්නිවේදන උපකරණයකි. පරිගණකයට හෝ දුරකථනයකට පුද්ගලයා ගමන් කල මාර්ගය, ශරීර උෂ්ණත්වය වැඩි වීම, ලේ වල තිබෙන ඔක්ෂිජන් මට්ටම පහල යාම පෙන්නුම් කර එම තොරතුරු ගබඩා කර තබා ගනී. ස්වයං නිරෝධනකරුවා ගමන් කල ස්ථාන හදුනා ගත හැකි වීම මෙහි ඇති විශේෂ ලක්ෂණයකි. උණ ගැනීම හා ලේ වල ඔක්ෂිජන් මට්ටම පහල යාම කල් තියා දැන ගැනීම මගින් PCR පරීක්ෂණයට යොමු කර රෝගය වැළදී තිබේදැයි යන්න තහවුරු කරගෙන පැතිරයාම වැලැක්වීම හා නොදැනීම රෝගය උත්සන්න වී ජිවිත අවධානමකට ලක්වීම වලක්වා ගත හැක. විශාල පිරිසක් එක් පරිගණකයකින් එක් නිලධාරියෙකුට අධීක්ෂණය කළ හැක.වසංගතයෙන් පසුව රෝගීන්ට උණ ස්වයංක්‍රියව සංඥා කරන හා ලේ වල තිබෙන ඔක්ෂිජන් මට්ටම පහල යාම නිවසේදීම හදුනාගැනීම මගින් විවිධ රෝග රැසක් කල් තියා දැනුම් දෙන උපකරණයක් ලෙස යොදා ගත හැක. අපස්මාර රෝගින් සිහිසුන් වූ විට ඔවුන් සිටිනා තැන බලා ගත හැකි මෙන්ම වලිප්පුව, පිළිකා ආසාදිත, ගර්භණි, නේවාසික හා රෝහල් ගත බාල මහළු සියලුම රෝගීන්ට ප්‍රයෝජනවත් උපකරණයකි.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Machine

I’m Ushan Sakuntha an undergraduate following electronics and telecommunication engineering degree from Sri Lanka Technological Campus. I developed this PCR machine which is used to amplifiy cDNA of a virus. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the method widely used in molecular biology to make millions to billions of copies of a specific DNA sample, allowing scientists to take a very small sample of DNA and amplify it to a large enough amount to study in detail. This is the machine used for PCR process called thermocycler. This is a conventional pcr machine which needs to use a gel run after the pcr process. Now I’m developing this machine into a real time pcr to get the result quickly with the help of MRI and SLIC

Fight Against the COVID-19 Virus

ශ්‍රී ලංකා නව නිපැයුම් කොමිසමේ මූල්‍ය දායකත්වයෙන් සෞඛ්‍ය සේවයේ නිරත පිරිස්වලට COVID-19 වෛරසයෙන් ආරක්ෂා විය හැකි නව නිපැයුම් කීපයක් හඳුන්වා දීම අද දින කොළඹ ගංගාරාම විහාරස්ථානයයෙදී අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ  ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් සිදු වූ අතර මෙම අවස්ථාවට උසස් අධ්‍යාපන තාක්ෂණ හා නවෝත්පාදන අමාත්‍යය බන්දුල ගුණවර්ධන මහතා හා සෞඛ්‍ය පෝෂණ සහ දේශීය වෛද්‍ය සේවා අමාත්‍ය පවිත්‍රා වන්නිආරච්චි මහත්මිය ඇතුළු පිරිසක් සහභාගී

Launch of several new inventions and innovations to protect frontline health workers fighting the COVID-19 virus, headed by Prime Minister  Mahinda Rajapaksa took place today (06.05.2020) at the Gangarama Temple. Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovations, Hon. (Dr.) Bandula Gunawardana, Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine Hon. (Mrs.) Pavithradevi Wanniarachchi, SLIC Commissioner Prof. R.U. Halwatura and inventors were present at this event.

Electronic Thermal Waste Holders


ශ්‍රී ලංකා නව නිපැයුම්කරුවන්ගේ කොමිසම සෑම විටම සැදී පැහැදී හිඳිනුයේ දේශීය නවෝත්පාදන දිරිගන්වමින් එම නව නිපැයුම් ආර්ථිකමය වශයෙන් ඵලදායීව යොදාගැනීමට නිපැයුම්කරුවාට මඟ පෙන්වීම වෙනුවෙනි.

එම අරමුණ යථාර්තයක් කරලීම සඳහා “සහසක් නිමැවුම්” වැනි නවෝත්පාදන තරඟ, ප්‍රදර්ශන යනාදිය පැවැත්වීම, “ජනාධිපති සම්මාන” ප්‍රදානය, නව නිපැයුම් කව පවත්වාගෙන යාම, “තාක්ෂණික බීජෞෂණ මධ්‍යස්ථාන” පිහිටුවීම හා “නව නිපැයුම් දිරිය” වැනි වැඩසටහන් ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීම, ජාත්‍යන්තර තරඟ ප්‍රවේශය ලබාදීම, නව නිපැයුම්කරුවන්ගේ ගැටළු හඳුනාගැනීමේ වැඩසටහන් සංවිධානය යනාදී වූ තාක්ෂණික හා මූල්‍යමය සහාය ලබාදීම වෙනුවෙන් විශේෂිත වැඩසටහන් මෙහෙයවනු ලබයි.

මෙවන් කාර්යභාරයන් තුලින් නිසි ප්‍රයෝජන අත්විඳිනා නව නිපැයුම්කරුවෝ බොහෝ ය. ඔවුන් වෙතින් ශ්‍රී ලංකා නව නිපැයුම්කරුවන්ගේ කොමිසම වෙත ලැබෙන ප්‍රශංසාවන් අප ඉතා නිහතමානීව අගය කරන්නෙමු. මතු දැක්වෙනුයේ ඩබ්. ඩී. ශෂික ශ්‍රීමාල් ප්‍රනාන්දු නව නිපැයුම්කරු විසින් යොමු කරන ලද එවන් ප්‍රශංසාවකින් උපුටා ගන්නා ලද්දකි.

“මම හිමන්ත රන්දිම. මම නව නිපැයුම් කරුවන්ගේ කොමිසම සමග කාලයක පටන් සම්බන්ධවී වැඩ කරනවා. මා නිපදවූ corona සම්බන්ධව නව නිපැයුම සුළු දැනුම් දීමකින් මා හට කතාකර පේටන්ට් බලපත්‍රය නොමිලේ ලබාදීමට කටයුතු කර එහි ඉදිරි වැඩි දියුණු කිරීමට මා තෝරා ගැනීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් මා ඔබ ආයතනය වෙත මගේ ගෞරවාන්විත හදපිරි ප්‍රණාමය පුදකර සිටින්නෙමි. එසේම උදව් කල සැමට මගේ හදපිරි ප්‍රණාමය.”