“I am Dr. B.V.K.M Bopeththa, Senior Registrar in Emergency Medicine, Accident and Emergency Unit, Sirimawo Bandaranayaka Special Children Hospital, Peradeniya. Severe respiratory tract infections have been invading the world for many years, however recently COVID 19 infection has threatened the world much more than other infective agents. The health care workers are at the highest risk of getting those virulent viral infections mainly following inhalation of contaminated aerosols. Apart from aerosol generating procedures like nebulization, intubation generates a much higher amount of contaminated aerosols. Adherence to full personal protective equipment and minimizing the number of aerosol generating procedures are currently accepted and practicing methods to reduce the risk of infection spread. With this novel technique, intubation can be performed safely with no aerosol inhalation risk to health care staff.