“I am Dr. Noragal Ranjan Shashika Ariyarathna, working at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka as a Medical Officer of Anaesthesia. SLIC assisted me in manufacturing my invention which is a Microorganism Diverting and Clearing Device also referred to as MDCD.
This is a device that can be plugged into a conventional ambu bag to reduce the risk factor of healthcare workers involved in ambu ventilating a patient diagnosed with or suspected to have a contagious disease caused by microorganisms affecting the respiratory system. The mechanism involves diverting the contaminated expiratory air rich in microorganisms away from the healthcare worker and thereafter isolates and destroys the microorganism. This system prevents the exposure of healthcare workers involved in the ambu ventilation process and also prevents the spread of the virus or bacteria to others in the vicinity which generally takes place through contact or aerosol spread.
I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to SLIC for their assistance which has enabled me to produce more units of this device which are currently being requested by Healthcare workers who are at the forefront in our fight against Covid19.