
National ICT Awards 2024

Edge Device – The Communication Bridge that makes equipment and buildings smart by Gihann Selvadurai

Microorganism Destroying & Air Filtering Unit with Nano Technology

"Magicbit" IoTනිමැවුම් සහ මූලදර්ශසෑදීම වැනි ඕනෑම කාර්යක් පහසුවෙන් සිදුකිරීමට

"Magicbit" a rich, easy to learn and cost effective innovation platform to learn and practice IoT

Dr N. R. S Ariyarathna received the first Sri Lankan patent for COVID 19 related invention MDCD unit

දුරකථනයෙන් විදුලි උපාංග කිහිපයක් එකවිට ක්ෂණිකවපාලනය කළ හැකි අධි යාන්ත්රික දුරස්ථ පාලකය (Duplexx)

Coconut Kernel Chips Maker

Bulrush Grinding Machine By Inventor Muruguppillai Pratheesh

Lime Gin By Inventor Nimal Kumarathunga

Instant Jack Seed Flour By Inventor Nimal Kumarathunga

Tamarind Dry Mixture By Inventor Nimal Kumarathunga

Wood Apple Magic Mixture By Inventor Nimal Kumarathunga

N.V. Rishan Dulanjana

New Technology for Mixing & Storage of Organic Matters

Manioc And Grains Nutrition Supplement

Coconut Haustorium RTS Beverage

Foldable Intubating Chamber

Low Flow Fixed Performance Oxygen Delivery System

Disposable Protective Nebulization Chamber

Machanical Hoe System

Remote Control Safety Firing To Drive Away The Animals

Tea cutting machine by Wijesekara pathiranage sachith Lakshan

Video Assisted Ward Communication System to Minimize Exposure of Doctors to COVID – 19

Patient Inspection Chamber with Monitoring system

CELLBOTIC (A Computer vision-based System to Perform Differential Count of White Blood Cells)

Robot to disinfect public places utilizing Ultraviolet rays by SRQ robotics @ University of Moratuwa

PCR Machine developed by Ushan Sakuntha

Automatic Hand Sanitizer

Heat Dustbin for COVID 19